Wednesday, 14 October 2020

2020 is sucks !!!!!! part 1

- October 14, 2020 0 comments

 yooooo there !

how are you ? are you mentally sucks right now ? because pandemic that we have been suffer since early of the year ? yes i am. Its been a rough year in 2020. 

What exactly we imagine for 2020 ? flying cars ? yes it exist but it just upgraded prototype from drone hahahaha not like the flying cars in Doraemon movie.

First thing is Covid 19 or Corona Virus shit. Second I live with toxic people ! she's suck ! full of bullshit !!!! Third, i can't that the examination because of this pandemic, Politicians bring back the third waves in Malaysia. Fourth, hmmm I got no money to like before, I quit my work in March and then we have to do the movement control order for 3 months. Then in September i got new job, it start pretty good but because of the third waves from Malaysian Politicians or we often said politikus, my wages is decrease because my client cancelled our services because they afraid if the pandemic rise again. So i feeling reckless don't know what to do until now. 

My sales keep decreasing because of this shit thing.

Also the minimum wages is still the same fort the past years, RM1200. After deduct by KWSP how much we get it ? hmmmm sucks

I can't even looking for jobs outside my state because this shit thing corona. What else i can do in this small town ? 

I hope I can continue to pursue my career, I'm halfway in it. Wish me luck.

2020 update (the nice one)

- October 14, 2020 0 comments
hi there !

Finally after 2 years i forgot i have a blog HAHA . Okay news update from me ? yeahhh i'm not interested anymore to post something in instagram because there's a lot of toxic people and childish behavior i found there, but i'm more ashamed because most of them are my friend. I want to unfollow but they are still my friend so i just let it be. I just post a nice phone only HEHEH. for fb yeahh not anymore just for business and work. andddd the winner is twitter  yaayaaaaa (clap) it is my favourite place to hang out alone and express what ever i wanted without people judging me. So i love being there.

Currently i'm working at services company started september after i quit working at food and baverages company in march. I had fun there and so much to learn and right i'm feeling miserable again because of that corona shit thing !

My life is like rollercoaster now, sometime i want to do a thing but unfortunately i have no interest in doing it. So i just wasted some money at there. but i just realize some skill that i forgotten is graphic design. Back then many people said to me that i'm good in creating design yeahh for assignment and intern. Because I'm too focused at something so i have forgotten about this. so i want to enhance this skill someday.

I really like when someone notice my skill. My current job, I got offer because of my skill but not from my appearance or physical. It feels like when people said I was a good presenter also during my internship, my supervisor said I got the talent that they wanted but unfortunately the place is shutting down so I can't continue to work there because of some politics issue. Its suck you know !!!

Honestly i want to express my gratitude appreciation towards all of the people that have faith in me. Believe or not your words are my inspiration to me to become who I am now, even though it's been drag because of corona shit. 

Thank you very much for recognize my skill and talent. 

I hope we will meet again soon after I made it !!!!!! 

Friday, 7 September 2018

Nowadays Toxic

- September 07, 2018 0 comments
Image result for nature photography

hi there...

it's already a year since my last post. yeah I'm a little bit busy this year plus i don't have enough my privacy time to write a post. 

today I've have been thinking to spend less time with social media, because sometimes people said mean to me and sadly my own family relative said that. the issue is they want to make a joke to me but at that time i think it is was a serious situation and i think it make other people feeling miserable. it is not a 100% my fault i do whatever they told me to do end up the other people point all the fault on me, and  make me feel i don't deserve to be at there. I'm crying non stop in the room and no one come to me to comfort me it makes me feel i am nothing.

Its supposed to be a happy day for our big family and for me it turns out a super bad day to me. I'm so glad my friend are there digitally to comfort me to message. I don't care if someone are not my family do that to me but my family. so sad. at the end of the day before we go back to our home my moms notice me crying in the room, she give me a warm hugs and sweet kiss for me. it's the best feeling ever since i don't remember she kiss me. i love you mom !

fuhhh... i'm literally want to cry again. 

okay change the topic.

Social media. currently social media i really love is twitter, because there is least people that i know and i follow in there. Seriously i don't really like to post many things about me in social media i think it's boring to give somebody about you and currently what are you guys doing right now. first it very dangerous if you guys have stalker or enemy second hmmm it's boring okay, makes me don't want to know about a person because we know what kind of that person before we face to face with them. I choose face to face because it feels original hahaha. I'm sick to follow my crush in social media because we want to know what he doing and after that I've lost my interest on him because I judge him to fast based on social media. please i need a puzzle to know someone hahaahah.

Furthermore, social media nowadays are toxic to me. yes they post a latest news from the world but there is someone not matured comment or critics without doing their own research and it can defamed someone pride or even the biggest defamed our country image. there is more things i hate  social media in this era, people always upload their angry video to someone and it becomes viral worldwide so funny ! then when child started joining social media and they always act narrow minded. so it goods i leave rather i critics them for nothing because they like a Malay proverb 'mencurah air di daun keladi' means they won't change if we advice them. 

enough for today, keep changing for good to ourself.

Thursday, 10 August 2017


- August 10, 2017 0 comments

Bertemu kembali pada minggu ini, anda sihat ? Saya pun sihat Alhamdulillah dan saya tengah berusaha untuk menurunkan berat badan. Yeahhh !!!! So far so good. Terlampau banyak cabaran dan dugaan yang saya hadapi dalam dua minggu ni. Tapi entry kali ini bukan itu yang saya nak tujukan.

Entry kali ini adalah mengenai 

Okay isu ni memang selalu dikupaskan semasa hari raya, kenduri, open house dan sebagainya. Tapi kali ini aku sangat sangat tidak puas hati kepada orang yang memang tak reti nak basih pinggan tak kira lah kau tu tua ke muda ke apa, tapi kalau parents kau suruh basuh pinggan mereka, yes you got to do that because we cannot disobey our parents. Lagi satu kalau tetamu yang jarang jarang ke rumah, memang kita harus layan tetamu. Okay itu tetamu. Sekali sekala.

Ini adik beradik dan sepupu dan saudara mara yang akrab kali ketemu dan saling ziarah menziarahi. Adik beradik, ye aku kakak yang sulung memang akan diberi arahan oleh parents aku untuk buat itu ini. Okay that's my responsible. Tapi apa yang aku tak boleh terima di sini, aku dah basih pinggan lepas aku makan dan kemas semua yang ada dekat dapur tu. Tak lama kemudian, bersepah balik dapur tu. Apa yang aku paling marah buang sampah dekat dlm singki wth !!!!! Padahal tong sampah mmg khas untuk sisa makanan dan plastik makanan ada kat sebelah tu just bukak je penutup dia !itu pun tak boleh buat ke, lepastu kalau kau dah habis makan, basuh pinggan , basuh la sekali dengan sudu garfu dan gelas kau tu, kalau ada pinggan tak basuh, basuhkan. Itu pun susah ke. Oleh kerana itu aku membebel bagai nak rak haritu aku rasa macam nak nangis.

Mereka kata dekat aku "buat kerja tu kena la ikhlas, kakak bukan buat apa apa pun kat rumah" itu membuatkan lagi aku naik angin, lepas tu pertengkaran berlaku. Hello ! Tahu ke apa yang aku buat dalam sehari. 

Apa yang aku nak sampaikan dekat sini adalah, aku memang tak kisah kena basuh pinggan ke apa, tapi tolong laa jaga perasaan, hargai kami, bukan ya buat kami macam orang gaji, rumah kita sama-sama kita jaga kita pelihara. Dekat sekolah bukan main jadi pengawas berdisiplin bagai pijak semut pun tak mati. Tahu tak dari basuh pinggan lah kau belajar cara berdisiplin, jadi pembersih, aku just nak ajar adik aku supaya mereka ada disiplin, bayangkan kalau hari hari mereka buat mcm tu dan masa tu aku tiada, mahu jadi tempat pembuangan sampah aku rasa.

Dekat dunia ni tiada yang senang, kalau pinggan pun tak reti basuh manakan hati kau dapat basuh hari hari. Etika sudah belajar tapi amali nya setiap hari ? Khayalan semata-mata. Bibir manis belaka bila berbicara sampai menunjukkan personaliti yang sempurna, tapi dibelakang tabir tipu belaka.

Segalanya bermula dengan DISIPLIN 😘



Saturday, 29 July 2017


- July 29, 2017 0 comments

Tak sempat nak ucap selamat hari raya 😂😂😂
Dari cuti haritu cakap dekat diri sendiri nak aktif blogger hahahaha hampeh itu semua.
Sebulan ni banyak yang berlaku dala, hidup aku ni, ada okay, gembira dan sedih. Yaaa sedih dengan diri sendiri 😢

Sejak dua menjak ni aku dapati aku kerap sangat suka membebel meroyan tak tentu pasal, bukan sebab laki ke ape, sebab org yg tak reti nak basuh pinggan, letak baju dekat baju kotor and so on. Dulu aku boleh tahan lagi buat tu tapi entah kenapa aku tiba tiba pergi dapur tengok semua bersepah aku jadi bengang. Aku memang pantang kalau benda bersepah ni apatah lagi tempat tu selalu org tengok. As anak dan kakak sulung kena tunjuk contoh yg baik ke adik adik. Aku ? Be myself man.

Dalam fikiran aku selama ni rasa alaa dorang fikir mana betul salah dorang tahu la buat. Lepas beberapa tahun dorang dah besar, dorang mula jadi perengus dan tahu mak marah semua usik sikit marah. Karma bukan ? 

Lagi lagi adik aku semua ada seni mempertahankan diri. Lagi laa dorang kuat and senang nak marah aku. Dulu mak selalu cakap jgn merungut semua, remaja tahulah masuk telinga kanan keluar telinga kiri 😔. Sekarang ni kalau aku mak mintak tolong adik aku contoh sidai kain ke apa dia akan tinggikan nada suara kat aku. Padahal aku nak ajar kerjasama sorang buat ni sorang buat tu so cepat habis kerja. 

Aku rasa menyesal and berdosa sangat tak dengar ckp mak aku 😭. Sekarang, bila rasa rasa nak marah adik aku kena fikir dua kali, aku ambil jalan untuk diamkan diri je padahal dalam hati mcm perang dunia ke 2 dah. 

Sabar. Itulah yg perlu kita buat. Malam ni lagi aku membebel kat dapur pukul 11.30 tadi, tanda protes aku adalah sengaja selisihkan pinggan mangkuk cawan semua😂. Semua ayat yang keluar dari mulut aku ni kalau bab complain hahhh terkejut badak semua. 

Seketika aku berfikir tadi, apa guna aku membebel ? Takda siapa pun nak dengar dalam rumah ni so why not aku diam, yes diammm terus zikir masuk dlm kepala.

Aku sayang gila kat adik adik aku, tak tahu macam mana nak tunjuk kasih sayang tu. Last apa yang aku buat, beli barang untuk dorang so dorang fikir yg ingat jugak kakak aku kat aku. Then baru baru ni, birthday aku, aku beli kek belon semua guna duit sendiri and surprise kat family aku. Sebelum ni aku merengek sebab tak de sapa nak sambut birthday aku bagi kek semua. 

So aku beli semua sendiri dgn duit sendiri, surprise kat family and itu sebagai tanda kasih sayang aku kat family aku selama aku hidup sampai sekarang. 

Okay tu je sebab aku dah ngantuk, penat kerja 

Monday, 12 June 2017

- June 12, 2017 0 comments

Hidup aku semenjak dua menjak ni rasa tak tenteram. Sebab apa ? Sebab aku ada benci two guys ni. Dari dulu prinsip hidup aku "selagi orang tu tak buat hal dengan aku selagi tu aku tak akan benci dia"., even my bff benci orang tu pun , aku takkan benci orang tu, yelah siapa je suka dibenci oleh orang. Cuba kaubayangkan kau dibenci olh orang. Sakit wey.

So berbalik cerita aku tadi, two guys ni coursemates aku, aku tak pernah kenal dengan mereka sampai  kami diberi tugas bersama. Kenapa aku benci dia ? Sebab aku rasa dikhianati setelah apa yang aku buat tak di appreciate sebaliknya mereka mengaku itu smua kerja mereka yang buat sendiri. 

Masa tu aku tak tahu nak describe mcm mana perasaan aku semua ada marah benci nak nangis semua ada. Aku ni jenis yang tak boleh nak marah orang , kalau aku marah orang aku akan nangis. So aku ambil keputusan untuk diam diri, even kawan aku suruh aku cakap dengan ketua project, aku tak cakap because aku tahu itu not worth it, mereka adalah se "gang" so they will take it easy and just let go. Aku pun malas sebab due date dah nak dekat, it will involve lot of people kalau aku bagitau.

Group mates aku yang lain aku tak dapat nak bagitahu lsgi sebab mereka ada good relationship with the guys. So aku tak nak la sebab aku cerita dekat orang lain, orang lain akan judge dia berdasarkan apa yang aku cakap even itu realitnya. 

Ada jugak aku beritahu orang lain contohnya rakam terdekat aku, dan mereka juga merasakan hal yang sama, the guys amat kurang ajar dengan dorang. Aku pun apa lagi cerita la semua. Sometimes aku rasa, dia merendah rendahkan aku, dengan poyo dia tu, ingat aku ni kawan lama dia ke nak jerit panggil woi woi, aku ada nama okay. 

Aku nak tengok sejauh mana dia boleh pergi, kalau okay alhamdulillah. Kalau tak aku harap mereka akan berubah, tak pernah lagi dalam hidup aku rasa macam ni, bila setiap kali dua orang ni lalu or satu kelas dengan aku, darah aku jadi menyirap. Stress kan kepala aku.

Aku harap aku orang terakhir la yang mereka buat macam tu. Hoping for next semester takda kelas yang sama dengan dua orang ni. 
Last, t
So, lepas ni kalau ada project dapat dengan dorang, aku angkat tangan. Aku rasa bersyukur pulak baru baru ni aku nak jadi ajk satu project ni tapi kena ada interview dan aku terlepas tarikh tu. Guess what dalam banyak banyak nama yg terpiLih adalah nama mereka. Tapi aku pelik how they get in there because nak jadi tu kena ada pengalaman yg lepas, but mereka tak pernah join project tu. Aku pernah tahu. Lepas but aku tak sakit hati sgt sebab aku tak mintak. Seperti ada benda yang mencurigakan, puak puak dorang pun ada sekali padahal, they no nothing about that. Orang lain duk tunggu giliran mula dari bawah mereka senang senang dapat nama, if dorang ada contribution yang besar, boleh diterima. Ni hmmmm

Aku tak puas hati bukan sebab aku jealous, ramai lagi yang rasakan yang sama macam aku ni dengan mereka, tapi tak boleh buat apa sebab mereka boleh dikarakan group yang berpengaruh. Buang air liur tentang dorang at least ada bukti. 

Suatu hari kebenaram akam terumgkai. Aku cadangnya nak maafkan tapi Lebih banyak aku fikir lebih sakit hati aku dengan dorang. 

Monday, 29 May 2017

another step ?

- May 29, 2017 0 comments


happy Ramadhan guys !!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 Image result for happy birthday mr crush

today i'm not typing about Ramadhan. 
last night after sahur and praying  subuh usually i'm go back to sleep. I've dreaming about MR.H  oh yeahhhh.
he's on my list in the last semester until now. haha
he's not kind of man that annoyed me and what I've been grateful is we're coursemates . yehyeh
19/5 is his birthday. i'm so glad i have opportunity to say to him
"happy birthday H" 
in front of our classmates so sad, i hope he notice me. (perasan la kau)
i'm so damn happy that day. we have been in the same class last semester and we rarely talking with each other until now. but the night before his birthday i'm talking to him, of course about our study. 
so, after this i hope we can cooperate in different kind of way
i hope ! i hope ! i hope !

But, from all of that i have to remember my best friend's advice. she said "anak ikan still anak ikan is not your jodoh at all unless either one of  you making another step"

so dear self ! did you want to make another step ? will you be alright if you fail the step ? 
or did you  want to stick with your words "want to meet your soulmates at your favourite place after graduate"

you may think about it okay. don't rush yourself it will make you looks like desperate person. 


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