yooooo there !
how are you ? are you mentally sucks right now ? because pandemic that we have been suffer since early of the year ? yes i am. Its been a rough year in 2020.
What exactly we imagine for 2020 ? flying cars ? yes it exist but it just upgraded prototype from drone hahahaha not like the flying cars in Doraemon movie.
First thing is Covid 19 or Corona Virus shit. Second I live with toxic people ! she's suck ! full of bullshit !!!! Third, i can't that the examination because of this pandemic, Politicians bring back the third waves in Malaysia. Fourth, hmmm I got no money to like before, I quit my work in March and then we have to do the movement control order for 3 months. Then in September i got new job, it start pretty good but because of the third waves from Malaysian Politicians or we often said politikus, my wages is decrease because my client cancelled our services because they afraid if the pandemic rise again. So i feeling reckless don't know what to do until now.
My sales keep decreasing because of this shit thing.
Also the minimum wages is still the same fort the past years, RM1200. After deduct by KWSP how much we get it ? hmmmm sucks
I can't even looking for jobs outside my state because this shit thing corona. What else i can do in this small town ?
I hope I can continue to pursue my career, I'm halfway in it. Wish me luck.